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Presentations & Talks

The Synaptica team host, sponsor and take part in a diverse range of events, talks, webinars and seminars. A selection of our event activity can be found below including recent presentations, digests and talks.

TBCL Bite-Sized 2024 | What Autocategorization can teach you about your enterprise content and taxonomies

Autocategorisation offers much to organisations who need to tag large volumes of content in an accurate and cost-effective way. In this presentation for TBCL Sarah Downs, Director, Client Solutions, draws on Synaptica’s experience of helping clients and offers the learning themes and questions you need to ask to understand your content and develop the right taxonomies.

KMWorld Keynote | Breakthrough Moments in Enterprise Taxonomy Management

In this presentation for KMWorld 2023 Keynote Dave Clarke reviews the major challenges that Fortune 500 companies have had over recent years, along with the breakthrough moments with co-designed solutions using now out-of-the-box tools that any taxonomy practitioner can benefit from.  The use-cases include challenges of complexity, such as the evolution from term-based thesauri to logic-bearing ontologies, and challenges of scale, such as developing high performance search and APIs for taxonomies with tens of millions of entities.

KMWorld Talk | Big Data, Small Teams

As enterprises wrangle Big Data, taxonomy teams need to work at increasing scale to meet their organization’s challenges. This requires adopting new data-driven ways of working, embracing new technologies, and integrating metrics-driven thinking into the work of taxonomy teams. Using case studies, Sarah Downs, Synaptica and Bonnie Bowes, Checkatrade explore ways taxonomy teams can rise to the challenge of managing big data with small teams, including building a case for scaling up and rapidly mobilizing a team, embracing new tools, and collecting metrics across the taxonomy workflow.

KMWorld Talk | Taxonomy & Ontology as Privacy-Enabling Technology

With privacy an increasing focus of regulators and consumers worldwide, organizations need to find scalable ways to integrate privacy controls into their technology stack. Taxonomy and ontology can serve as privacy-enabling technology. Using specific case studies, Briana Vann and Sarah Downs explore different methods for enabling privacy controls through taxonomy or ontology as well as the pros and cons of each.

KMWorld Talk | Bootstrapping enterprise taxonomies for autocategorization

How can taxonomies be extended and enrichened to power autocategorization of content to provide more value and scale for your organization? How can you improve your text analytics performance through the use of enterprise taxonomies? By marrying the strengths of information and science with the technologies of data science and placing a human curator at the center, you can easily extend or integrate enterprise taxonomies for autocategorization of enterprise content.

In this talk Sarah Downs described the differences between traditional information science and data science approaches before outlining a process that places a human-in-the-loop to harness their full capabilities.

Webinar | How to Use Your Enterprise Taxonomies for Auto-Categorization

The Synaptica team recently hosted a Webinar with Ontotext. Dave Clarke and Borislav Ankov on How to Use Your Enterprise Taxonomies for Auto-Categorization. Dave and Borislav gave an overview of Graphite Knowledge Studio with examples from two domains: categorization for eCommerce applications, and categorization of job-listings and candidate CVs.

KMWorld Keynote | Cross-team Collaboration for Knowledge Discovery

For KMWorld 2022 Keynote Dave Clarke explored how to promote cross-team collaboration that pulls together stakeholders responsible for content, metadata, taxonomy, databases, information architecture, and search.

Talk | Knowledge Graph Forum 2023

For Ontotext Knowledge Graph Forum on November 2023, Sarah Downs gave a talk on how taxonomies can be extended to power autocategorization of content to provide more value and scale. Sarah explains how text analytics performance can improve the use of enterprise taxonomies by marrying the strengths of information science with the technologies of data science and placing the human-in-the-loop.

Talk | Knowledge Graph Forum 2022

For Ontotext Knowledge Graph Forum on September 26th 2022 our CEO, Dave Clarke gave a short talk on Ontologies, Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Classification. Dave introduced our new product Graphite Knowledge Studio, powered by Ontotext Text Analytics during this talk.

Roundtable Series Resources

The Business Value of Knowledge Organization Systems


The Synaptica team hosted a series of Roundtable events discussing the business value of KOS. Panel members included Ahren Lehnert, Bob Kasenchak, Patrick Lambe, Stephanie Lemieux and Michele Ann Jenkins. Notes from all three Roundtable sessions are available to download.

Download the session notes