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Taxonomy or taxonomies are sets of specific concepts, classes, and individuals enumerated within an ontology. The entities in a taxonomy may be ordered within an hierarchical structure. They may also contain associative relationships, or they may comprise unstructured lists.

On Polyhierarchy

By Taxonomy, Taxonomy Management
Definition  In taxonomy, a polyhierarchy refers to any hierarchical structure that allows a term to have multiple parents. (The opposite concept, monohierarchy, is used to describe taxonomies that do not allow polyhierarchy.)  Polyhierarchy does not apply…
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Facets Are Forever

By Taxonomy
Facet-nating Recently, I was asked by one of our clients to consider writing about faceted classification and, specifically, how to go about an analysis to determine which facets should be…
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Taxonomy Theory and Practice

By Taxonomy
1. Theory  In the land of information science (related to but distinct from generalized information theory, which is much more mathematical and concerned with, for example, signals), taxonomy theory is more or less dictated…
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