Knowledge Management’s Golden Moment Knowledge Management Knowledge Management’s Golden Moment The stay at home or shelter in place (SIP) orders (here’s my local order) due…Ahren LehnertApril 20, 2020
Stanford Knowledge Graph Course Not-Quite-Live-Blog 3 Knowledge GraphsOntology Stanford Knowledge Graph Course Not-Quite-Live-Blog 3 Bob Kasenchak and Ahren Lehnert, Synaptica Part three of the Stanford Knowledge Graphs course featured…Bob KasenchakApril 17, 2020
Stanford Knowledge Graph Course Not-Quite-Live-Blog 2 Knowledge GraphsKnowledge Management Stanford Knowledge Graph Course Not-Quite-Live-Blog 2 Bob Kasenchak and Ahren Lehnert, Synaptica The second session of the course, “How to Create…Ahren LehnertApril 10, 2020
Stanford Knowledge Graph Course Not-Quite-Live-Blog 1 Knowledge GraphsOntology Stanford Knowledge Graph Course Not-Quite-Live-Blog 1 Bob Kasenchak and Ahren Lehnert, Synaptica Stanford University’s computer science department is offering a free…Ahren LehnertApril 7, 2020
Your Company’s Next Top Model: Your Ontology Ontology Your Company’s Next Top Model: Your Ontology Ontology Model In a recent blog, I created a typology of types, a taxonomy of…Ahren LehnertMarch 30, 2020
Interacting with Your Graph (or Why Knowledge Graphs? Part 3) GraphiteKnowledge GraphsOntology Interacting with Your Graph (or Why Knowledge Graphs? Part 3) In previous posts I have described how a knowledge graph is an ontologically modeled structure…Bob KasenchakMarch 23, 2020