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Events With Dow Jones Synaptica & Taxonomy Services Team

By August 30, 2008January 27th, 2025Taxonomy Management

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Internally here at Dow Jones we have taken to calling September ‘Taxonomy Month’ because of the multiple events we are participating, sponsoring and organizing. So below, listed by date are our ‘Taxonomy Month’ events for 2008 – we hope to see you at some of them and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

September 11, 2008 1112pm : Webinar: Taxonomy and SharePoint: A Powerful Combination
Webinar: Taxonomy and SharePoint: A Powerful Combination
Date: September 11, 2008
Time: 11:00 – 12:00 EST
Register Now.

SharePoint helps your organization connect people to business critical information and expertise in order to increase productivity and reduce information overload by providing your employees the ability to find relevant content in a wide range of repositories and formats. Understanding and using Taxonomies within a SharePoint implementation to help users find content, is an essential part of ensuring a successful SharePoint deployment. A Taxonomy can range from quite simple to very complex. In this session we will cover the basics of evaluating what you can do to create a simple taxonomy that will yield the most benefits for your SharePoint implementations. In this session you will learn a range of Best Practices, from the basics of building a taxonomy to the implementation of a taxonomy within a SharePoint site.

September 22, 2008 25pm : Semantic Technologies in the Enterprise Roundtable at Palo Alto, CA

Semantic Technologies in the Enterprise Roundtable
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Moderated By:
Christine Connors, Director of Semantic Technologies at Dow Jones
Daniela Barbosa, Synaptica Business Development ManagerWhen you think about the Semantic Web do you envision highly advanced applications and young technologies supporting the future of data connectivity? The Semantic Web is no longer a concept that is ahead of its time and is rapidly changing the way organizations consume, digest and share information. By attending this roundtable, you will have a chance to hear about best practices in how to embrace the Semantic Web movement and discuss the struggles and successes that your colleagues in the Bay Area are experiencing in their companies.The roundtable portion of the event, co-moderated by Dow Jones’ Christine Connors and Daniela Barbosa, will cover topics such as:

* What can Semantics do for your organization?
* How can the Semantic web help you in your job role?
* Where do you start and what are best practices?
* How do you “sell” Semantic web investment concepts internally?

After an engaging discussion, you are also invited to join us for a tour of the Wall Street Journal printing plant, followed by hors d’oeuvres and cocktails.

To register, please visit:

September 23th : 25th, 2008Enterprise Search Summit West at San Jose, CA

Centralized Taxonomy Management for Enterprise Information Systems
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Paula R McCoy, Manager, Taxonomy Development, ProQuest
Daniela Barbosa, Synaptica Business Development ManagerNow that you have built your taxonomies, you need to manage and maintain them in a centralized environment that can be leveraged by all of your enterprise applications including search tools, portals, and CMS/DMS systems. This session will review some best practices in centralized taxonomy management and go through the implementation of a thesaurus management tool at ProQuest, which enabled them to create a common language to connect disparate information assets using large and varied vocabularies and authority files linked to new and existing editorial systems. Hosted by Dow Jones.

September 25th : 27th, 2008Taxonomy Bootcamp at San Jose, CA

Finding a Common Language: Bringing Complex and Disparate Vocabularies Together
2:15 pm – 3:00 pm
Paula R McCoy, Manager, Taxonomy Development, ProQuest
Daniela Barbosa, Synaptica Business Development ManagerThis case study addresses the challenges ProQuest faced in managing multilingual controlled vocabularies using multiple Word documents and authority files maintained in an Oracle database. Speakers describe how implementing a thesaurus management tool helped ProQuest simplify and standardize its business semantic management to create a common language and connect disparate information assets as well as handling large and varied vocabularies and authority files, linking new and existing editorial systems and enabling hierarchical views, and automating thesaurus management tasks.
Executive Round Table:“Visioneering” the Taxonomy Horizon
4:00 pm – 4:45 pm
Leslie Owens, Analyst, Forrester
Christine JM. Connors, Global Director, Semantic Technology Solutions, Dow Jones Enterprise Media Group
Wendi Pohs, Chief Technology Officer, InfoClear Consulting
Lisa Kamm, User Experience Manager, GoogleModerated by Marydee Ojala, Editor, ONLINE Magazine, industry thought leaders consider the issues confronting taxonomies, as well as the hot topics and “where to from here” for the philosophies, tools and technologies of the content management world.

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